Greens-Heavy Body
Golden Chromium Oxide Green $19.60 – $36.60
A lighter vein of the pigment best known for its use in US currency, it is very durable, lightfast and opaque. (Series3)
Golden Chromium Oxide Green Dark $19.60
The same pigment originally used in the green of US currency, it is a very durable, lightfast and opaque color. (Series3)
Golden Cobalt Green $21.15
Our single-pigment Cobalt Green is deep, slightly bluish green with great opacity and lightfastness. (Series4)
Golden Cobalt Turquoise $32.95
A deep, opaque Cobalt-based turquoise, this paint is very green in the masstone and reveals more blue in its undertone and glazes. (Ser. 8)
Acrylic, All Products, Art supplies, Fluorescence-Heavy Body, Golden Heavy Body Paint, Greens-Heavy Body, Painting SuppliesGolden Fluorescent Green $23.00
Fluorescent Green
Golden Green Gold $28.30 – $59.50
A mixture of green and yellow prized for its warm jewel tones and glazing. This is among the most popular colors in the GOLDEN palette. (Series7)
Golden Hookers Green Hue $28.30
Hookers Green was originally a mixture of Prussian Blue and Gamboge before a single pigment Hookers was developed. We re-created this color using Anthraquinone Blue, Nickel Azo Yellow and Quin Magenta, for a dark masstone and rich blue-green undertone. (Series7)
Golden Jenkins Green $28.30 – $59.50
A rich, warm, green blend created by GOLDEN for painter and abstract phenomenist Paul Jenkins. (Series7)
Golden Light Green (Blue Shade) $19.60
A mixture of Benzimidazolone Yellow, Phthalo Green and white, this is a fairly opaque, cooler, medium value green. (Series3)
Golden Light Green (Yellow Shade) $19.60
A mixture of Benzimidazolone Yellow, Phthalo Green and white, this is a opaque, warmer, medium value green. (Series3)
Golden Light Turquoise(Phthalo) $19.60
A convenient pre-mixed tint of our Turquoise Phthalo. (Ser. 3)
Golden Permanent Green Light $21.15 – $39.50
A semi-opaque mixture of Benzimidazolone Yellow and Phthalo Green, this color is a versatile medium to dark green. (Series 4)
Acrylic, All Products, Art supplies, Fluorescence-Heavy Body, Golden Heavy Body Paint, Greens-Heavy Body, Painting SuppliesGolden Phosphorescent Green $28.30
Phosphorescent Green – Glow-in-the-dark acrylic color
Golden Phthalo Green (Yellow Shade) $21.15 – $39.50
Phthalocyanine is among the strongest tinting pigments available, this green is semi-opaque, with a warmer yellow-green undertone. (Series4)
Golden Phthalo Green(Blue Shade) $21.15 – $39.50
Phthalocyanine is among the strongest tinting pigments available, while semi-opaque in masstone or full strength, it makes very transparent glazes. (Series4)
Golden Sap Green Hue $21.15 – $39.50
Originally made with Buckthorn berries native to the near east, but cultivated in Europe since Roman times. The ripe berries make a pink dye, while the unripe berries produce a yellow juice or sap used as a dye and to make a yellow Sap Green pigment. Golden’s blend is a more lightfast version of this historical color. (Series4)
Golden Teal $19.60 – $36.60
A mixture of Phthalo Blue and Green with Titanium White for a strong tinting, opaque, Teal. (Series3)
Golden Terre Verte Hue $14.95 – $30.50
Green earth is best known as the under painting of flesh in medieval painting. To recreate this color GOLDEN blends six different colors, then reduces opacity with gel medium to match all of the properties of historical Terra Verte. (Series1)
Golden Turquoise(Phthalo) $21.15 – $39.50
A more blue Turquoise that is a very strong tinting color that reveals cool gem tones in glazing. (Series4)
Golden Viridian Hue $14.95 – $30.50
Guignet of Paris patented the process for manufacturing Viridian Green in 1859. The popularity of this bright, exceedingly clear blue-green color led some to believe that it could eventually replace all other greens, both ancient and modern. GOLDEN’s mixture and is a useful replacement for artists familiar with the original. (Series1)
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